
Abilities (Skills) in the Witcher 3 can be gained and upgraded by gaining experience. The game has four talent trees from which you can choose – combat, signs, alchemy, and general. Choose wisely in which talent tree you want to spend your skill points: you will not be able to max them all out so assign points in accordance with your play style.

The various upgrades are arranged into 4 branches, each of which can be unlocked by spending a certain amount of points. To unlock the second branch of upgrades you need to spend 8 points in the first branch. Unlocking the third branch will cost you 20 points in the second, and to gain access to the fourth branch you will have to spend 30 points in the branch above it. Geralt’s skills can also be boosted with special items called mutagens.

This guide will show you all the Witcher 3 skills you can choose from, along with their effects and the mutagens that suit them.

Witcher 3 Abilities
If you want your skills to take effect, you will need to place them into skill slots. At the beginning of the game you will have only a few slots available; you will unlock more as you progress through the game.

There are a total of 12 skill slots and the last one unlocks when you reach level 50. You can switch between the active skills whenever you wish, depending on the circumstances: if you are fighting an enemy vulnerable to fire, you can choose a skill that improves Igni intensity.

Every time you level up you will gain 1 skill point, though you can gain more by drawing from Places of Power – one point per each. Places of Power are scattered throughout the world and hard to get to, but you shouldn’t worry as our Places of Power guide has you covered.

If you are not happy with the way you have spent your skill points, you will purportedly be able to buy a respec potion that will allow you to redistribute them.

There are four types of skills in the Witcher 3:

Combat Skills (red)

witcher 3 combat skills
Combat skill tree

As the name suggests, these skills are combat-related – they can improve your prowess with swords, your ability to use ranged weapons more effectively, and they govern your adrenaline gains. This category has five talent trees: Fast Attack, Strong Attack, Defense, Marksmanship, and Battle Trance.

  • Fast Attack:
    witcher 3 muscle memoryMuscle MemoryLevel 1: Fast attack damage +5%, adrenaline point gain +1%.
    Level 2: Fast attack damage +10%, adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Fast attack damage +15%, adrenaline point gain +3%.
    Level 4: Fast attack damage +20%, adrenaline point gain +4%.
    Level 5: Fast attack damage +25%, adrenaline point gain +5%.
    Witcher 3 precise blowsPrecise BlowsLevel 1: Chance of fast attack critical hit +2%, critical hit damage +15%. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Chance of fast attack critical hit +4%, critical hit damage +30%. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Chance of fast attack critical hit +6%, critical hit damage +45%. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Chance of fast attack critical hit +8%, critical hit damage +60%. Adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Chance of fast attack critical hit +10%, critical hit damage +75%. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 whirWhirlLevel 1: Spinning attack attacks all nearby foes. Maintaining the attack costs Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 10% less Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Spinning attack attacks all nearby foes. Maintaining the attack costs Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 20% less Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Spinning attack attacks all nearby foes. Maintaining the attack costs Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 30% less Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Spinning attack attacks all nearby foes. Maintaining the attack costs Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 40% less Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Spinning attack attacks all nearby foes. Maintaining the attack costs Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 50% less Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 fast attack 4??????
  • Strong Attack:
    witcher 3 strong attack 1Strength TrainingLevel 1: Strong attack damage +5%, adrenaline point gain +1%.
    Level 2: Strong attack damage +10%, adrenaline point gain +2%.
    Level 3: Strong attack damage +15%, adrenaline point gain +3%.
    Level 4: Strong attack damage +20%, adrenaline point gain +4%.
    Level 5: Strong attack damage +25%, adrenaline point gain +5%.
    witcher 3 crushing blowsCrushing BlowsLevel 1: Strong attack critical hit chance +2%, critical hit damage +15%. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Strong attack critical hit chance +4%, critical hit damage +30%. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Strong attack critical hit chance +6%, critical hit damage +45%. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Strong attack critical hit chance +8%, critical hit damage +60%. Adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Strong attack critical hit chance +10%, critical hit damage +75%. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 rendRendLevel 1: Deals additional damage in proportion to the Stamina consumed. Ignores enemy defense, critical hit chance +10%. Adrenalin points increase total damage by 100%. Adrenaline point gain +1%.
    Level 2: Deals additional damage in proportion to the Stamina consumed. Ignores enemy defense, critical hit chance +20%. Adrenaline points increase total damage by 100%. Adrenaline point gain +2%.
    Level 3: Strong attack critical hit chance +6%, critical hit damage +30%. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Deals additional damage in proportion to the Stamina consumed. Ignores enemy defense, critical hit chance +40%. Adrenaline points increase total damage by 100%. Adrenaline point gain +4%.
    Level 5: Strong attack critical hit chance +50%, critical hit damage +50%. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 sunder armorSunder ArmorLevel 1: Enemy damage resistance -5%, adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Enemy damage resistance -10%, adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Enemy damage resistance -15%, adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Enemy damage resistance -20%, adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Enemy damage resistance -25%, adrenaline point gain +5%
  • Defense
  • IconNameDescription
    witcher 3 arrow deflectionArrow DeflectionLevel 1: Perfectly timed parries reflect arrows back at the attacker. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Perfectly timed parries reflect arrows back at the attacker. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Perfectly timed parries reflect arrows back at the attacker. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    witcher 3 fleet footedFleet FootedLevel 1: Damage received while dodging -20%, adrenaline points gain +1%
    Level 2: Damage received while dodging -40%, adrenaline points gain +2%
    Level 3: Damage received while dodging -60%, adrenaline points gain +3%
    Level 4: Damage received while dodging -80%, adrenaline points gain +4%
    Level 5: Damage received while dodging -100%, adrenaline points gain +5%
    witcher 3 counterattackCounterattackLevel 1: After a successful counter attack, the next attack deals +30% damage per skill level with a chance for knockdown based on the number of adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: After a successful counter attack, the next attack deals +30% damage per skill level with a chance for knockdown based on the number of adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +2%.
    Level 3: After a successful counter attack, the next attack deals +30% damage per skill level with a chance for knockdown based on the number of adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Witcher  3 deadly precisionDeadly PrecisionLevel 1: Each adrenaline point adds 1% to the chance of killing an enemy instantly, adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Each adrenaline point adds 2% to the chance of killing an enemy instantly, adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Each adrenaline point adds 3% to the chance of killing an enemy instantly, adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Each adrenaline point adds 4% to the chance of killing an enemy instantly, adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Each adrenaline point adds 5% to the chance of killing an enemy instantly, adrenaline point gain +5%
  • Marksmanship:
  • IconNameDescription
    witcher 3 lightning reflexesLightning ReflexesLevel 1: Slows time by another 15% while aiming the crossbow, adrenaline point gain +1%.
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    witcher 3 cold bloodCold BloodLevel 1: Each bolt that hits target adds 0.04 adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Each bolt that hits target adds 0.08 adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Each bolt that hits target adds 0.12 adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Each bolt that hits target adds 0.16 adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Each bolt that hits target adds 0.2 adrenaline points. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 anatomical knowledgeAnatomical KnowledgeLevel 1: Crossbow critical hit chance +5%, adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Crossbow critical hit chance +10%, adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Crossbow critical hit chance +15%, adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Crossbow critical hit chance +20%, adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Crossbow critical hit chance +25%, adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 crippling shotCrippling ShotLevel 1: Critical hits with the crossbow disable monster special abilities for 5 seconds, adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Critical hits with the crossbow disable monster special abilities for 10 seconds, adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Critical hits with the crossbow disable monster special abilities for 15 seconds, adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: Critical hits with the crossbow disable monster special abilities for 20 seconds, adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Critical hits with the crossbow disable monster special abilities for 15 seconds, adrenaline point gain +25%
  • Battle Trance:
  • IconNameDescription
    witcher 3 resolveResolveLevel 1: Adrenaline point loss after taking damage -20%, adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    witcher 3 undyingUndyingLevel 1: When vitality points reach 0, adrenaline points(if available) are consumed to restore vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of adrenaline points used. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: When vitality points reach 0, adrenaline points(if available) are consumed to restore vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of adrenaline points used, plus 25%. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: When vitality points reach 0, adrenaline points(if available) are consumed to restore vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of adrenaline points used, plus 50%. Adrenaline point gain +3%
    Level 4: When vitality points reach 0, adrenaline points(if available) are consumed to restore vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of adrenaline points used, plus 75%. Adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: When vitality points reach 0, adrenaline points(if available) are consumed to restore vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of adrenaline points used, plus 100%. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 razer focusRazer FocusLevel 1: Instantly gain 1 adrenaline point when entering combat. Adrenaline points generated by sword blows increased +5%. Adrenaline point gain +1%
    Level 2: Instantly gain 1 adrenaline point when entering combat. Adrenaline points generated by sword blows increased +10%. Adrenaline point gain +2%
    Level 3: Instantly gain 1 adrenaline point when entering combat. Adrenaline points generated by sword blows increased +15%. Adrenaline point gain +3%Level 4: Instantly gain 1 adrenaline point when entering combat. Adrenaline points generated by sword blows increased +10%. Adrenaline point gain +4%
    Level 5: Instantly gain 1 adrenaline point when entering combat. Adrenaline points generated by sword blows increased +25%. Adrenaline point gain +5%
    witcher 3 batle trance 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???

    Sign Skills (blue)

    These are magic-related skills; their purpose is to enhance the intensity, range, or area of effect of signs. The five abilities in this category are each tied to one of the signs: Aard, Igni, Axii, Yrden , and Quen.

    Signs skill tree
    Aard is a telekinetic blast capable of stunning or knocking down your opponents. Igni sets your enemies on fire, while Axii can be used to influence their mind – making them docile and even turning them on your side. Yrden sets magical traps that can slow down or event stop an enemy entirely. Quen is a shield that can be used as protection against various kinds of damage.

  • Aard
  • IconNameDescription
    far reaching aardFar-Reaching AardLevel 1: Aard’s range + 1 yard, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Aard’s range + 2 yards, stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Aard’s range + 3 yards, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    aard sweepAard SweepAlternate Sign Mode
    Level 1: Strikes all opponents in a certain radius, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Strikes all opponents in a certain radius, stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Strikes all opponents in a certain radius, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    aard 3???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    aard 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
  • Igni
  • IconNameDescription
    melt armorMelt ArmorLevel 1: Damage dealt with Igni also permanently weakens enemy armor. Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum 15%. Stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Damage dealt with Igni also permanently weakens enemy armor. Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum 30%. Stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Damage dealt with Igni also permanently weakens enemy armor. Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum 45%. Stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    Level 4: Damage dealt with Igni also permanently weakens enemy armor. Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum 60%. Stamina regeneration in combat +2/s
    Level 4: Damage dealt with Igni also permanently weakens enemy armor. Effect scales with Sign intensity up to maximum 75%. Stamina regeneration in combat +2.5/s
    firestreamFirestreamAlternate Sign Mode
    Level 1: Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies. Stamina cost -12.5%, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies. Stamina cost -25%, stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies. Stamina cost -50%, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    igni 3???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    igni 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
  • Yrden
  • IconNameDescription
    sustained glyphsSustained GlyphsLevel 1: Sign duration +5 seconds. Alternative mode charges: 2. Standard mode traps: 1. Stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Sign duration +10 seconds. Alternative mode charges: 4. Standard mode traps: 2. Stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    magic trapMagic TrapAlternate Sign Mode
    Level 1: Damages and slows all enemies within a 10 yard radius, destroys projectiles passing through this area. Damage +12.5%. Stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Damages and slows all enemies within a 12 yard radius, destroys projectiles passing through this area. Damage +25%. Stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Damages and slows all enemies within a 14 yard radius, destroys projectiles passing through this area. Damage +50%. Stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    yrden 3???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    yrden 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
  • Quen
  • IconNameDescription
    exploding shieldExploding ShieldLevel 1: Pushes opponents back. Stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Pushes opponents back and deals damage when it breaks. Stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Pushes opponents back and deals damage when it breaks, with a chance for knock-down. Stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    active shieldActive ShieldAlternate Sign Mode
    Level 1: ??? Stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: ??? Stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Maintaining an active shield no longer drains stamina. Stamina drain for blocked attacks unchanged Damage absorbed by the shield restores player’s vitality. Stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    quen intensityQuen IntensityLevel 1: Quen sign intensity +5%, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Quen sign intensity +10%, stamina regeneration in combat +1/s ???
    Level 3: Quen sign intensity +15%, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    Level 4: Quen sign intensity +20%, stamina regeneration in combat +2/s ???
    Level 5: Quen sign intensity +25%, stamina regeneration in combat +2.5/s
    quen dischargeQuen DischargeLevel 1: Reflects 5% of absorbed damage back at the attacker, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Reflects 10% of absorbed damage back at the attacker, stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Reflects 15% of absorbed damage back at the attacker, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    Level 4: Reflects 20% of absorbed damage back at the attacker, stamina regeneration in combat +2/s
    Level 5: Reflects 25% of absorbed damage back at the attacker, stamina regeneration in combat +2.5/s
  • Axii
  • IconNameDescription
    axii 1???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    puppetPuppetAlternate Sign Mode
    Level 1: Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 20% damage. Stamina regeneration in combat +0.5/s
    Level 2: Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 40% damage. Stamina regeneration in combat +1/s
    Level 3: Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 60% damage. Stamina regeneration in combat +1.5/s
    axii 3???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    axii 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???

    Alchemy Skills (green)

    Alchemy skills let you make oils and bombs, brew potions, and regulate your toxicity. This tree has five abilities: Brewing, Oil Preparation, Bomb Creation, Mutation, and Trial of The Grasses.

    alchemy skills
    Alchemy skill tree
  • Brewing
  • IconNameDescription
    heightened toleranceHeightened ToleranceLevel 1: Potion overdose threshold +1%, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Potion overdose threshold +2%, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Potion overdose threshold +3%, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Potion overdose threshold +4%, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Potion overdose threshold +5%, potion duration time +25%
    refreshmentRefreshmentLevel 1: Each potion dose heals 5% of maximum vitality, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Each potion dose heals 10% of maximum vitality, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Each potion dose heals 15% of maximum vitality, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Each potion dose heals 20% of maximum vitality, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Each potion dose heals 25% of maximum vitality, potion duration time +25%
    brewing 3???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    side effectsSide EffectsLevel 1: Imbibing a potion gives a 20% chance of activating another randomly selected potion without additional toxicity cost, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Imbibing a potion gives a 40% chance of activating another randomly selected potion without additional toxicity cost, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Imbibing a potion gives a 60% chance of activating another randomly selected potion without additional toxicity cost, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Imbibing a potion gives a 80% chance of activating another randomly selected potion without additional toxicity cost, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Imbibing a potion gives a 80% chance of activating another randomly selected potion without additional toxicity cost, potion duration time +25%
  • Oil Preparation
  • IconNameDescription
    poisoned bladesPoisoned BladesLevel 1: Oil applied to blade gives a 5% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of oil used. Potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Oil applied to blade gives a 10% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of oil used. Potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Oil applied to blade gives a 15% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of oil used. Potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Oil applied to blade gives a 20% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of oil used. Potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Oil applied to blade gives a 25% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of oil used. Potion duration time +25%
    protective coatingProtective CoatingLevel 1: 5% protection against attacks from monsters you’ve oiled for, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: 10% protection against attacks from monsters you’ve oiled for, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: 15% protection against attacks from monsters you’ve oiled for, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: 20% protection against attacks from monsters you’ve oiled for, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: 25% protection against attacks from monsters you’ve oiled for, potion duration time +25%
    fixativeFixativeLevel 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    hunter instinctHunter InstinctLevel 1: Maximum adrenaline increases critical hit damage against the targeted enemy by 20%, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Maximum adrenaline increases critical hit damage against the targeted enemy by 40%, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Maximum adrenaline increases critical hit damage against the targeted enemy by 60%, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Maximum adrenaline increases critical hit damage against the targeted enemy by 80%, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Maximum adrenaline increases critical hit damage against the targeted enemy by 100%, potion duration time +25%
  • Bomb Creation
  • IconNameDescription
    bomb creation 1???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    pyrotechnicsPyrotechnicsLevel 1: Bombs that usually do not do damage now do 30 damage in addition to their normal effects, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Bombs that usually do not do damage now do 60 damage in addition to their normal effects, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Bombs that usually do not do damage now do 90 damage in addition to their normal effects, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Bombs that usually do not do damage now do 90 damage in addition to their normal effects, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Bombs that usually do not do damage now do 120 damage in addition to their normal effects, potion duration time +25%
    efficiencyEfficiencyLevel 1: Increases max number of bombs in each slot by 1, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Increases max number of bombs in each slot by 2, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Increases max number of bombs in each slot by 3, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Increases max number of bombs in each slot by 4, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Increases max number of bombs in each slot by 5, potion duration time +25%
    cluster bombsCluster BombsLevel 1: Bombs separate into 2 explosive fragments upon detonation, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Bombs separate into 3 explosive fragments upon detonation, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Bombs separate into 4 explosive fragments upon detonation, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Bombs separate into 5 explosive fragments upon detonation, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Bombs separate into 6 explosive fragments upon detonation, potion duration time +25%
  • Mutation
  • IconNameDescription
    acquired toleranceAcquired ToleranceLevel 1: Every known level 1 alchemy formula increases maximum toxicity by 1, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Every known level 1 or 2 alchemy formula increases maximum toxicity by 1, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Every known level 1, 2 or 3 alchemy formula increases maximum toxicity by 1, potion duration time +15%
    tissue transmutationTissue TransmutationLevel 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    synergySynergyLevel 1: Bonus for mutagen in mutagen slot + 10%, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Bonus for mutagen in mutagen slot + 20%, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Bonus for mutagen in mutagen slot + 30%, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Bonus for mutagen in mutagen slot + 40%, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Bonus for mutagen in mutagen slot + 50%, potion duration time +25%
    mutation 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    Level 4: ???
    Level 5: ???
  • Trial of the Grasses
  • IconNameDescription
    frenzyFrenzyLevel 1: If potion toxicity is above 0, time automatically slows when an enemy is about to perform a counterattack. Potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: If potion toxicity is above 0, time automatically slows when an enemy is about to perform a counterattack, the slowing effect and duration are greater than on level 1 of this ability. Potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: If potion toxicity is above 0, time automatically slows when an enemy is about to perform a counterattack, the slowing effect and duration are greater than on level 2 of this ability. Potion duration time +15%
    endure painEndure PainLevel 1: Max vitality +10% when toxicity exceeds the safe threshold, potion duration time +5%
    Level 2: Max vitality +20% when toxicity exceeds the safe threshold, potion duration time +10%
    Level 3: Max vitality +30% when toxicity exceeds the safe threshold, potion duration time +15%
    Level 4: Max vitality +40% when toxicity exceeds the safe threshold, potion duration time +20%
    Level 5: Max vitality +50% when toxicity exceeds the safe threshold, potion duration time +25%
    trial of the grasses 3???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    Level 4: ???
    Level 5: ???
    trial of the grasses 4???Level 1: ???
    Level 2: ???
    Level 3: ???
    Level 4: ???
    Level 5: ???

    General Skills

    General abilities have no talent trees, just 10 completely separate skills not closely tied to fighting, magic, or brewing. Each of these has only one level.

    general skills
    General skill tree
    sun and starsSun And Stars During the day, Vitality regeneration +10 points per second outside of combat. At night, Stamina regeneration +1 point per second in combat.
    steady shotSteady Shot Crossbow bolt damage +25%.
    survival instinctSurvival Instinct Maximum Vitality +500.
    rage managementRage Management If your stamina is too low, cast signs using adrenaline points
    cat school teachingsCat School Techniques Each piece of light armor gives +25% critical hit damage and +5% fast attack damage.
    adrenaline burstAdrenaline Burst Adrenaline generation +5%. Using signs generates adrenaline points.
    griffin school techniquesGriffin School Techniques Each piece of medium armor increases sign intensity by 5%, stamina regeneration +5%.
    focusFocus Adrenaline points increase weapon damage and sign intensity.
    bear school techniquesBear School Techniques Each piece of heavy armor increases maximum vitality by 5%, strong attack damage +5%.
    general 10??????


    Mutagens are special items which can be used to give Geralt’s skills a boost. Some of them can be obtained by killing rare monsters. There are four mutagen slot- the first one is unlocked at the beginning, while the rest can be unlocked as the game progresses.

    witcher 3 mutagensEach mutagen slot is linked to three ability slots- they can enhance each other if their types match. The mutagens are also color-coded, so it is easy to match them to abilities of the same type as they will have the same color code.

    For example, if your mutagen is red, you should combine it with Combat abilities – they are also red. The bonuses you get from such a pairing will be much bigger. The mutagens can be switched out at any time, the combinations you make are not permanent.
    lesser blue mutagenLesser Blue Mutagen +5% Sign intensity.
    lesser green mutagenLesser Green Mutagen +50 Vitality.
    lesser red mutagenLesser Red Mutagen +5% Attack power.

    Hidden Abilities

    In the previous game players could unlock hidden abilities in secret ways – through dialog, by completing quests or performing certain actions at certain points, etc. The presence of hidden abilities in the Witcher 3 has not been confirmed, however, though they should not be ruled out.